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We post regular updates and other important announcements about our faculty, students, and programs.
Our programs include offerings tailored to those new to public service and executives seeking Online or in-person modalities.
FIU, the Steven J. Green School of International & Public Affairs, and PPA are major contributers in the journal Public Administration Quaterly. Some of our faculty on the editorial team include: Dr. Shaoming Cheng and Dr. Howard Frank.

Publications, Highlights, and More!
- Publications
- Dr. Milena Neshkova and PA alumna Dr. Ana-Maria Dimand published a book chapter titled “From Brown to Green: Repurposing Public Procurement”, in Pathways to Positive Public Administration, edited by Patrick Lucas, Tina Nabatchi, Janine O’Flynn and Paul 't Hart.
- Dr. Alexander Kroll, recently published an article in The American Review of Public Administration, entitled, "Mitigating Neighborhood Stigma: Examining Strategies of Relating and Reframing". The article examines "two strategies to mitigate neighborhood stigma: create opportunities for people to personally relate to a place and engage them in the positive reframing of extant narratives." Dr. Kroll highlights how more experimental work can be done when it comes to examining stigma towards vulnerable target populations, clients, or places.
- PA alumna, Dr. Ana-Maria Dimand, alongside Dr. Milena Neshkova, published an article in Public Administration, an international journal. The article enititled, "Buying green in U.S. local government: Internal commitment and responsiveness to external pressures"was chosen for the Best Published Paper Awarded, by the ASPA Section on Procurement and Contract Management at the 2023 ASPA Annual Conference, Protecting Democracy for the Next Generation: The Role and Responsibility for Public Administration.
- PA alumni, Dr. Kaila Witkowski, Dr. Christa Remington, and Dr. Andrea Headley, aslongside, Dr. N. Emel Ganapati recently published an article in the International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, entitled, "Organizationl resilience in first-response agencies: Visual responses from first responders during the COVID-19 pandemic". The article examines how first responders must consistently cope with emergency situations, and how this informs the way they assess and reassess organizational resilience.
- Dr. Vernise Estorcien, a PA alumna, alongside, Apu Deb, a third year Ph.D. candidate in the PA program, and Dr. Milena Neshkova, recently published an article in The American Review of Public Administration entitled, "Are Women Commissioners More Compassionate Spenders? Evidence from Florida County Governments." The article builds upon previous research on whether enhancing women’s political representation impacts policy choices, by examining if higher women’s participation in electoral institutions at the local level is associated with a different spending profile.
- Aubrey Stewart, a third year Ph.D. candidate in the PA program, co-authored an article entitled, "The Impact of Weather Shocks on Violent and Property Crimes in Jamaica" in The World Bank Economic Review. The researchers utilized administrative panel data to examine the impact of weather shocks on violent and property crimes in Jamaica.
- Dr. Donovan Johnson, published an article entitled, "Food security, the agriculture value chain, and digital transformation: The case of Jamaica's agricultural business information system (ABIS)" in the journal of Technology in Society. Dr. Johnson discusses the potential for improving food secruity through digital transformation by investing in agriculture development.
- Dr. Amanda Clark, alongside PA alumni, Dr. Moncia Bustinza and Dr. Nicholas Martinez, published by All Voting is Local released its latest report, “Policing the Vote: Election Integrity Units in Florida and Ohio." The groundbreaking report examines the evolution of Election Integrity Units in these states, exposing their origins, funding sources, and operational strategies. The report also highlights how these units, purportedly created to safeguard election integrity, have instead become instruments for voter suppression, disproportionately targeting communities of color and echoing historical patterns of discrimination.
- Aubrey Stewart, a third year Ph.D. candidate in the PA program, co-authored an article entitled, "Remote Viewership of International Sporting Events and Crime: Evidence from Jamaica" in the Journal of Sports Economics. This article examines the effect of televised international sporting events (e.g., FIFA World Cup or Summer Olympics) on crime in Jamaica.
- Dr. Amanda Clark's, most recent book chapter, (co-authored with Christina Barsky, admost recent book chapter (co-authored with Christina Barsky, and Blake Emidy from the University of Montana and recent FIU PPA alum, Monica Bustinza) entitled, "Ain't No Mountain High Enough: What Motivates Poll Workers to Serve During a Pandemic Emergency and Political Unrest" expands on poll worker motivation in Miami-Dade County during the 2020 election. The authors found that, overall, poll workers reported normative motivation (desire to serve their community) outweighed other forms of motivation, including financial. However, financial motivations may be less important for recruitment of new poll workers but may become increasingly important for retaining poll workers from election to election.
- Dr. N. Emel Ganapati, alongside, Dr. Christa Remington, Dr. Kaila Witkowski, and Dr. Andrea Headley, all PA alumni, recently published an article in the Public Administration Review, entitled "Trauma-informed organizational climate and its impact on first responder burnout during COVID-19".This piece deals with the organizational climate that is necessary to prevent burnout among first responders.
- Dr. N. Emel Ganapati, alongside, Dr. Kaila Witkowski, Dr. Christa Remington, and Dr. Andrea Headley, all PA alumni, recently published an article in the International Journal of Drug Policy, entitled "Understanding problematic substance use among first responders during the COVID-19 pandemic: A survey of law enforcement, fire, and EMS workers in the United States". This piece examines how to deal with factors that contribute to substance use among first responders in times of crises.
- Dr. Donovan Johnson and Dr. Milena Neshkova, unveil the hidden role of bureaucrats in easing burdens on citizens. Discover how bureaucrats wield discretion to lighten the load imposed by elected officials. The article is titled "When do bureaucrats choose to unburden clients: A randomized experiment"and is published in Public Administration.
- Dr. Hyewon Kang, recently co-published an article in the Public Finance Review, entitled, "The Effect of Fiscal Stress Labels on Local Governments’ Financial Management: Evidence from New York State Fiscal Stress Monitoring System",examining the role state governments play on local fiscal health.
- Dr. N. Emel Ganapati, Dr. Meredith Newman, and PA alumna Dr. Christa L. Remington, published an article in IJPA, entitled, "Cross-Cultural Emotional Labor: A Study of NGO Workers in Haiti" examining the link between cultural competences and emotional labor.
- Dr. N. Emel Ganapati, alongside PA alumni, Dr. Christa L. Remington, Dr. Kaila Witkowski, and Dr. Andrea Headley, and Dr. Santina Contreras published an article in ARPA, entitled, "First Responders and the COVID-19 Pandemic: How Organizational Strategies Can Promote Workforce Retention" exploring how first response agencies can promote workforce detention in times of public health crises like COVID-19 (U.S. focused).
- Dr. Susannah Bruns Ali, contributor at The Conversation, published "Government shutdowns hurt federal worker morale, long after paychecks resume − especially for those considered ‘nonessential’" - a timely and relevant discussion. Read it now!
- Dr. Donavon Johnson to publish new book entitled, "Rethinking Democracy and Governance: Perspectives from the Carribbean" - set to hit shelves September 15th, 2023, order now!
- Dr. Vernise Estorcien, a PA alumna, recently published her article in ARPA—this is based on her dissertation, "Police Mentoring of At-Risk Youth: Case Study of Police-Led Mentoring Program and Leadership Development" - Dr. Estorcien is set to start a new career as tenure track Assistant Professor at IUPUI.
- Dr. Christa Remington, Dr. Kaila Witkowski, and Dr. Andrea Headley, all PA alumni, along with Dr. N Emel Ganapati. - have published an article in the American Review of Public Administration, entitled, "First Responders and the COVID-19 Pandemic: How Organizational Strategies Can Promote Workforce Retention."The article builds on a mixed methods research approach on the impact of COVID-19 on first responders. The research involved a nationwide survey, in-depth interviews, and a visual methodology called PhotoVoice (supplemented with focus groups).
- Faculty & Student Highlights!
- Joanne Pérodin, a Ph.D. candidate in the in the PA program, was appointed as a member of the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council by President Biden. The Council provides recommendations to the federal government on environmental justice issues. Joanne is also a member of the National Academy of Medicine's Climate Communities Network, an effort to address climate-related health inequities and leads Miami's ClimateReady Tech Equity and Environmental Justice committee.
- Marjorie De La Cruz, a second year Ph.D. student in the PA program, alongside Dr. Milena Neshkova, won the Best Presentation Award by the ASPA Section on Procurement and Contract Management, "Joint Public Service Delivery: Collaborations and Partnerships for Innovation". It was presented at the 2023 ASPA Annual Conference, Protecting Democracy for the Next Generation: The Role and Responsibility for Public Administration.
- Dr. N. Emel Ganapati, director of the FIU Extreme Events Institute is heading up an interdisciplinary team, including Dr. Mark Macgowan, Dr. Ronald Fisher, Dr. Keith Revell, Dr. Jack Vertovec, and Dr. Kaila Witkowsi, that will contribute to the technical investigation led by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in search for answers into what caused the partial collapse of the Champlain Towers South apartment condo, in Surfside, Florida in July 2021. The team will support with the collection and examination of social science evidence.
- Dr. Nicki Fraser, Assistant Chair for Public Policy and Administration, has been selected as an FIU Top Scholar for the AY 22-23. Recognized for her teaching championing global public service education.
- Gabriella Escobar, FIU Honor Alumna and MPA student was awarded the 2024 B. Harold Farmer Scholarship from the Florida City and County Management Association! This scholarship is awarded to those students that demonstrate a strong commitment to pursuing a career in local government management.
- Dr. Nicki Fraser, Assistant Chair for Public Policy and Administration, has spearheaded the designation of 7 GL courses and looks forward to adding 3 more in the coming semesters. Read more about her work as a Notable GL Faculty, COIL Distinguished Faculty, and South
Florida Chapter President of ASPA.
- John South, PA PhD Candidate, is a finalist for the 2024 U.S. Office of Personnel Managment, Presidential Management Fellows Program. The Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program is the Federal Government's premier leadership development program for advanced degree holders across all academic disciplines. Founded in 1977, the PMF Program has matched outstanding graduate students with exciting Federal opportunities.
- Dr. Agatha S. Caraballo, Founding Director of the Maurice A. Ferré Institute for Civic Leadership, has been selected as Conference Co-chair for the 2024 Network of Schools Affairs and Public Administration (NASPAA) to be held October 23-25, 2024 at the Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill.
- Dr. William T. Jackson, PA Alum, has been selected to participate in the Building Future Faculty program at North Carolina State University. Dr. Jackson is currently a postdoctoral fellow at American University and an incoming tenure-track assistant professor at Florida State University.
- Dr. Bridgitte Cram, PA Alumna and MPA Adjunct Faculty member has been named Vice President for Academic Affairs: Student Success Operations and Integrated Planning - she is committed to serve our community and help FIU develop its next strategic plan.
- Dr. Shane Gunderson, resently presented at the annual conference of AMPEI: (Asociación Mexicana para la Educación Internacional) The Mexican Association for International Education in Mexico City!
- Renaldine Lafleche, an MPA student is headed to the nation's capital! Landing a dream fellowship in the office of Congresswoman Frederica Wilson, who represents the 24th district of Florida.
- Dr. Amanda Clark and Dr. Keith Revell recently attended the NextGen Service Corps (Volcker Alliance) retreat in Omaha, Nebraska. Members from 14 public service schools met to collaborate and share best practices on establishing and maintaining undergraduate programs in cross sector collaborative leadership.
- Dr. Alexander Kroll won the Faculty Senate Award for Execellence in Research, a show of recognition and dedication.
- Events
ASPA's Annual Conference 2024 is the premier event of the profession, taking place each spring as it brings together a cross-section of public administration including public servants, nonprofit professionals, researchers, scholars, students and more, held April 12-16 in Minneapolis.
- The Future of Florida Summit will take place March 1-3, 2024 for the 10th anniversary of the Future of Florida Summit. Hosted by the Bob Graham Center for Public Service at the University of Florida. Students from all Florida colleges and universities have the opportunity to gain leadership experience and network with subject-matter experts. The 2024 FOF Summit will focus on AI Policy and includes four breakout topics – AI in education, healthcare, agriculture, and law.
- Politics, Law & Society
Student lands “dream” fellowship in D.C. office of Congresswoman Frederica Wilson
Sep 14, 2023 - Arts & Culture
Women can now undertake Islamic pilgrimages without a male guardian in Saudi Arabia, but that doesn’t mean they’re traveling alone – communities are an important part of the religious experience
Jul 25, 2023 - Science & Technology
How restoring the Everglades can save the Florida panther and our home
Apr 20, 2023 - Politics, Law & Society
From homelessness to Stanford Law – first generation student joins law school pipeline program
Jul 21, 2022 - Science & Technology
FIU team wins national EPA Campus RainWorks Challenge
Jun 16, 2022 - Campus & Community
FIU Hospitality celebrates 50th anniversary with a party at the Fontainebleau Miami Beach, and you're all invited!
May 12, 2022