Homeland Security and Emergency Management

Co-Chair: Dr. Susannah Ali, MPA Director
Co-Chair: Dr. N. Emel Ganapati

The Graduate Certificate in Homeland Security and Emergency Management is designed to provide critical analytic skills to “first-responders” and those in related fields. The certificate will help professionals navigate a complex intergovernmental policy framework with an eye to best practice allocation of scarce local and regional resources devoted to preventing or mitigating the potential impacts of natural and manmade perils.

Coursework will focus on the roles and responsibilities of public, nonprofit, and private organizations in the context of South Florida’s vulnerable operating environment. The content of this certificate is aligned with FIU’s urban mission of providing engaged learning in its service are as well as the Departmental mission of our accredited Master of Public Administration (MPA) program which primary student body is in the local government sector.




  • Core Courses

    Required Courses (9 credits)

    • PAD 6379 Homeland Security Risk Assessment
    • PAD 6399 Homeland Security Management for State and Local Government
    • URP 5426 Emergency Management and Planning
  • Elective Courses

    Elective Courses (6 credits)

    • PAD 5043 Equity and Inclusive Governance
    • PAD 5443 The Public Administrator and Media Relations
    • URP 6315 Intro Urban Planning and Growth Management
    • PAD 6605 Administrative Law & Procedure
    • PAD 6710 IT and E-government
    • PAD 6717 GIS Applications for Urban Management
    • CPO 6771 Politics of Disaster
    • DSC 6020 Terrorism and Homeland Security
    • EVR 5122 Natural Disasters and Social Vulnerability
    • GIS 5935 Topics in Geographic Information Systems
    • INR 5066 Global and Human Security
    • INR 6067 Human Security
    • MAN 6706 Crisis Management (MA)
    • PHC 6251 Disaster and Emergency Epidemiology
    • PHC 6374 Environmental Disasters and Human Health
    • SYG 6932 Special Topics in Disaster Studies
    • PAD 5934* Contemporary Issues in Public Administration
    • PAD 6946 Internship

    Students may take electives outside the Department. These electives must be selected from a list of approved electives or must be approved by Certificate Co-Chairs.

    *Depending on the topic of the course and pending MPA Program approval, PAD 5934 (Contemporary Issues) may be counted as a certificate elective.

  • Eligibility

    In order for you to be officially considered for admission to a Graduate Certificate program, you must be a degree-seeking student and complete the graduate certificate application and submit the $30 application fee to FIU's Office of Graduate Admissions.