Human Resource Policy and Management

Co-Chair: Dr. Susannah Ali, MPA Director
Co-Chair: Dr. Valerie Patterson

Human Resource Policy and Management is designed to give graduate students a range of policy-analysis and management skills. It provides training in alternative personnel systems, (civil service, collective bargaining, privatization and service contracting), personnel techniques for productivity improvement, current issues, and ethics and professionalism.

This certificate emphasizes the application of behavioral science concepts and techniques to employers in a multicultural context.


  • Core Courses

    Required Courses (9 credits)

    • PAD 5427 Collective Bargaining and the Public Sector
    • PAD 6156 Applied Organization Theory and Behavior
    • PAD 6605 Administrative Law & Procedure
  • Elective Courses

    Elective Courses (6 credits)

    • PAD 5043 Equitable and Inclusive Governance
    • PAD 5416 Social Equity and Human Resource Management
    • PAD 5435 Gender Equity and Leadership in Public Administration
    • PAD 5460 Performance Management
    • PAD 5616 Contracting and Managing Third Party Governments
    • PAD 6436 Professionalism and Ethics
    • PAD 6710 IT & E Government 3
    • PAD 5934* Contemporary Issues in Public Administration
    • PAD 6946 Internship

    Students may take electives outside the Department. These electives must be selected from a list of approved electives or must be approved by Certificate Co-Chairs.

    *Depending on the topic of the course and pending MPA Program approval, PAD 5934 (Contemporary Issues) may be counted as a certificate elective.

  • Eligibility

    In order for you to be officially considered for admission to a Graduate Certificate program, you must be a degree seeking student and complete the graduate certificate application and submit the $30 application fee to FIU's Office of Graduate Admissions.